Chocolate, my other passion

Yes, I love chocolate. Not sweet, sugary chocolate, not boxes of chocolates (a nut intolerance makes them very dull indeed โ€“ Himself gets sole rights to any boxes gifted to us) but rich, chocolatey, chocolate! Some would say I get this from my Grandmother who absolutely loved dark chocolate but I think itโ€™s a joint … Continue reading Chocolate, my other passion

Buying homewares – Should I shop big or shop small?

As a small business owner myself this is always a tough one. I absolutely love the theory of supporting small business but, like all of you, I have a budget and the big bad chain store (quoting my fav film - give yourself a gold star if you can work it out) is usually more … Continue reading Buying homewares – Should I shop big or shop small?

Environment or economics? How should we shop in the 21st century?

I was brought up by a Mum and Dad who both had their feet firmly on the ground, at a time when 2020 sounded positively space age! Mum and Dad embraced all the 1970โ€™s and 80โ€™s had to offer โ€“ home ownership, car ownership, annual holidays in Spain and general convenience in almost all aspects … Continue reading Environment or economics? How should we shop in the 21st century?